Friday, December 31, 2010

More Work on the Garden Shed

 The junkie lean-to you see here is actually concealing a cute little building that we are going to use for our garden tools/supplies. We spent half-a-day cleaning this thing out and then filling it with some of our gardening stuff in preparation for the not-to-far-off-gardening season!

Among a number of treasure we found amongst the trash and mess is this great little antique cupboard. We'll let it air out for a few weeks and then move it inside for some use or another.

 A "before" picture would make you lose your appetite so just enjoy the "after". This solid little building is the same vintage as the house: circa 1900. It's a solid little gem.

What do we have here?

Looks like something that might come in handy (when it's warm out!):

Better see how it feels.

We'll keep the outhouse functionality for now and use the rest of the space for gardening stuff.

Next task on this project will be to remove the crappy lean-to part and reveal the original shed's front.....


  1. Hi Jennifer & Steve "stinking" cute this post!! lol : }
    I have a picture of myself, my sister and cousin sitting on a 3 holier when we where teenager, at my grandparents place! It really was the facilities at that time. : }
    Hope your New year has lot's of great adventures at your new home!!

  2. Awesome progress. I am so impressed with how quickly everything is getting done.

    Nice posing there Steve:-)


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