Wednesday, May 4, 2011

And the tomatoes are moved outdoors...

We configured a coldframe out of straw bales and a window panel for the out-of-control tomatoes and tomatillos.  They all completely outgrew the light rack, but are unable to go into the ground yet.  Tonight we expect a bit of a frost so hopefully our design works!  Two more strawbales are added on the west and east sides in the evening (north is straight ahead in this photo). 

Happy greenery under the rain splashed glass...

Beautiful plants!  We can't wait to plant them once the weather warms and dries.

The kale in the coldframe is growing by leaps and bounds and commonly finds itself on our dinner plates.

Ditto for the lettuce...

Fresh greens, there's just nothing like those first fresh spring greens!


  1. Hi J&S...Those some nice looking plants, hope things change so you can get them in the ground!
    One good thing about tomatoes even if they are tall the stems can be buried!!
    Fresh greens ...what a treat!!
    Healthy eating!!

  2. My window lettuce was a bust, bummer. Your greens are outstanding! I was able to get the potatoes in the ground, but I have a lot of sod to remove still. Are you going to do it by hand or get a sod cutter? We are doing it by hand, but it's quite a process, and your garden is so much bigger then mine. The sod is about 4 inches thick here and like carpet, so tight. The tomatoes are looking awesome! It makes me want that first warm one off the vine, can't wait! Everything's looking great over there! ~Vonnie

  3. Once again, you two are ingenious!


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