Monday, September 17, 2012

2012 Vacation: Pecos Wilderness

After leaving Lake Katherine, we headed for another alpine lake: Stuart.  Wildflowers lined the trail attracting many butterflies and curious hummingbirds.  The red hat might have helped a bit too....look closely above my sleeping pad.

The source of water for all the resident wildlife was a whimsical mountain stream.

Look closely at the flower - a bumblebee is finding some good nectar!


Purplish Copper

Lake Stuart!

Wow, this feels nice after a hot day of hiking....

might as well take a swim!

Meadow Fritillary hanging around...

Of course Steve can't resist either!

A meadow proved an excellent camp spot...

with fantastic views!

A little fire is always nice to abate the evening chill.

Steve working to calm down.

There's just something about fire, isn't there?

Our water system for easy washing.  Our water bladder plus bear bag makes for a good working combo.

On to Spirit Lake!

Food time = happy Jennifer.

Tiger salamanders!  Yes, Steve said - "Jen, there's fish with legs!" Ha!  Lots of these metamorphosing larval salamanders milled around the shallow depths searching for tasty invertebrates.

Heading out of the Pecos...two very happy campers. Thanks Pecos - we love you!

Up next: last stop of the trip - Bandelier National Monument.


  1. OH IM so envious, what a great looking spot, HOW was the water? Refreshing I bet!! Love your butterflies and flowers!!

  2. The water was soooooooo chilly! Took our breath away, but so refreshing too. :)

  3. Looks like such a fun time! We'll be off for our own adventure to our favorite campground on the coast next month. Chilly up here in New England then, but we love the colors, so it's our favorite time...that and NO bugs!

    The lake is beautiful! Seems like you saw lots of great nature along the way. And, I love the creativity of your shower, nothing like needing to pack less by dual use of items when you can. Fun time, thanks for sharing!! ~Vonnie


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