...an agricultural field transitioning to forest...
...fresh (and we mean FRESH) White-Tailed Deer scat...
...a plant in a location that proves high is not always dry...
...Goldenrod, friend to many-a-butterfly...
...wonderfully beautiful seed dispersal...
Dogbane: check this out!
Now, into the woods!
Mixed media: Cedar Waxwing feather on Oak leaves:
Yep, White-Tailed Deer are excited that Autumn is here!
Jennifer is partial to Shagbark Hickory and notes that Brown Creepers (songbird) build nests under loose bark like this. Amazing...
Trees are more than lumber.
Osage-Orange fence posts being integrated into the forest. Kind of reminds us of the stone sculptures of Easter Island.
Deer hair-leaf mosaic:
We think that the American Robin invented wattle and daub home construction:
We took only photographs and left only footprints as we exited along the Coyote's path...
...enjoying the serenity of a sunset over our favorite mixed media.