Monday, March 18, 2013

Happy, Happy Color: Hallway

Spring, oh spring where are you?  We miss you!  The frogs are calling ever so slowly and the American woodcock are taking a break from their spring mating displays....all waiting for warmer temperatures.  As we wait too, and the gray, cold lingers, we are wrapping up the interior painting.  The downstairs hallway was in serious need of a makeover.  It looked like winter in that hallway!

We, of course, wanted to make it light, bright and inspiring so we went with a lighter shade of green than the sunroom.  Since this is a dark hallway, the bright paint helped lighten the space immensely.

After drying, the paint took on a less yellow hue and remained a fantastic, light green.  You may also notice the stairs on the right.  Yes, we painted them too!

Prior to painting, a hideous permanently adhered linoleum covered the wood and we started to try to take the linoleum off and quickly questioned our sanity.  The scraping took so long, we would have had days wrapped up this project, which is not how we want to continue to spend our time!  So, Steve decided to bust out the sander, give the linoleum a serious rub-down, priming and finally paint.  We love it.

Now, we just have the new bathroom wall addition left and the original bath renovation.  The hang up on this project is the's super complex in this area and buried beneath plaster.  Poor Steve.

The contrasting colors everywhere makes us happy though!


  1. Oh so ready for spring over here in New Hampshire, too! Love the new color of the hallway, so cheerful! I love your bravery in working with the vibrant colors. Are you using any no VOC paint and if so how are you finding working with it? We'll be doing some painting soon and wondered what your experience with it, if that's what you're using, is. Take care, hopefully soon we'll all be out in our gardens planting, planting, planting (and weeding!). ~Vonnie

  2. Beautiful colors!! So cheerful:) Cannot wait to see it all in person!

  3. Beautiful colors!! So cheerful:) Cannot wait to see it all in person!

  4. IT looks inspire me to go with some COLOR splashs in my Make over, IM far from ready to paint but its like doing ones taxes it all comes together at the end!!

  5. I love the vibe of your house. And it just keeps getting better and better.

  6. I'm loven the colors, those red stairs awesome, and I love the green:):), the floor looks fabulous.What a wonderful color explosion in your house, it must be very cheerful being there, thanks so much for sharing you fabulous make over. Steve is a good man. Have a great day..

  7. Thanks for your thoughts everyone! It's good to be cheery. :) On that note, happy spring! And yes, we are using zero VOC paint for all our painting adventures.


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