Thursday, September 10, 2015

Last Open Day of 2015 & Cool Nature Sightings

Hey friends! We have one more open farm day this year. Find the details here. Next year, plan for an open house the 3rd or 4th weekend in July. It's peak bloom at that time and will be a great time to visit. The goldenrods and asters are starting to put on a show now and we enjoy watching all the pollinators take advantage of these important, late season beneficial plants.

Steve made this super sweet ball jar carrier perfect for gathering flowers or holding silverware or anything, really. He will have some of these and some reclaimed wood totes for sale this weekend too.

Here's a few cool nature sightings from Big Darby Headwaters just this week:

Oval-based Prominent (moth caterpillar):

Active honeybee comb. Wow! We don't know a lot about honeybees. Will they survive winter exposed to the weather like this?

? Skipper. I double checked on this guy since we continue to work on our skipper ID. So far Dun (my initial and most likely incorrect thought), Swarthy, Dion and Dukes have all been mentioned. Any thoughts? For size, it looks like it's resting on a Bidens.

One monarch of many on this hot, brilliantly sunshiny day. Migration is happening! Monarchs, green darner dragonflies and ruby-throated hummingbirds are all visibly and notably heading south. We are nearing the autumnal equinox so all is as it should be.


  1. I'd contact you local Beekeepers Assoc. Ours are based on county and cover more than one county.


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