Tuesday, January 31, 2017

Tree Love Plus Native Plant Bed Maintenance

Amongst all the AZ Trail trip planning which we will share soon, we venture outdoors and bask in the sun any day it shines through the clouds. We especially love our outings when we discover bigger and older trees than we normally do. Here's a beautiful Swamp White Oak (Querqus bicolor) that captivated us for quite some time.

If you've not yet read The Hidden Life of Trees by Peter Wohlleben, please do. It's fascinating and enlightening. We really have something special in our trees and it's so beyond time that we celebrate them - truly, hugely celebrate and respect their very long lives.

Here's a sign of another favorite tree:

Know it yet? The very stout branches look dead in the winter season, which is often indicative of these trees:

I bet you already know it, but if not - here is the pod of the magical....

Kentucky Coffeetree (Gymnocladus dioica)!

Here's another fun tree to guess that's in the Ebenaceae Family: super furrowed, blocky bark, often very darkly colored...

with incredibly tart, delicious fruits that people and wildlife love:

Did you guess Persimmon (Diospyros virginiana)? Excellent. Every single time we find any of these trees, we get so filled with gratitude to live amongst these incredible beings.

Thanks to our friends that get out and explore these wild and magical natural spaces with us; you continue to open our experiences to new ideas and ways of seeing, thinking and expressing.


Finally, if you are midwinter and wondering what to do with your native plant beds, we made a little video to show you what we do here that works fantastically well. Thanks for asking!


  1. Sure enjoyed the video, I like to pick up the dogwood leaves to mulch with they decay very fast I've found...and around shrubs I have a ton of pine needles so I use that to keep moisture in and weeds down, but I know they add no nutrition to the soil. The persimmons here are a bit different. The bark is smoother and they grow straight and tall but never get very large in diameter. The fruit feeds all sorts of wildlife in the fall. Will enjoy hearing of your AZ plans.

    1. Very interesting about your persimmons...we will have to check them out when in the south and mentally compare to their northland counterparts. Our pines mulch themselves and part of the chicken yard so we are happy for them. We always need more and more leaves and mulch here. The chicken yard could sure use another layer and we need to figure out how to keep them out of our beds while we are away. Yeah right they say! :)


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