Monday, December 7, 2009

Christmas Crafting...

is pretty much ALL that's happening in our apartment. Why do we wait till the last minute?


  1. Hmm what could you be making there?? I got myself into a bit of a panic this morning thinking of everything I still need to make for Christmas!!! Where does the time go?

  2. I though I'd pique your interest. :)

  3. Oh, you're not so bad. I mean, I haven't even started yet!

  4. Hi Jennifer! You won the giveaway! Drop me an e-mail with your address so I can send it to you. Yeah! (will you be showing us what you are crafting?)

  5. Oh yay! I can't wait to see the little towel. :) Yes - I will be showing you all what we're crafting, but not till after the holidays. Can't ruin any surprises. :)


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