Friday, December 4, 2009

Natural History Photo of the Week - Rusty Blackbird

While exploring at Bosque del Apache, which Steve wrote about here, we spotted this medium-sized bird. We looked for quite a while at this bird because s/he is out of range here in southeastern New Mexico and is only listed as rare. According to David Sibley, the Rusty Blackbird "nests in trees near bogs within boreal forests, is found in small flocks and forages for insects and seeds on the ground in wooded swamps; seldom in open fields." This little bird didn't stick to the norm, but seemed quite fine searching for food along the marsh edge. (Thanks Ed for your identification help!)


  1. sounds like a lucky sighting! and i thought all blackbirds were black. . .


    This species is in trouble. Could you report your sighting on to help researchers understand this species

  3. We just submitted the sighting to ebird. Thanks!


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