Thursday, April 22, 2010

A New (to us) Milkweed

While wandering through the whimsical, bouldery Walnut Canyon over the past few weeks...

...Steve has been lucky to see a great flower show (here are just a few):

Of particular interest was a little guy that, at first, resembled a seedling shrub oak....

...but on closer examination was determined to be...

...a great new (to us) milkweed!!! This one is Zizotes Milkweed (Asclepias oenotherioides). "Zizotes" means "skin sores" in Spanish and refers to the general toxicity of plants in this genus. Always plenty of reason to "take only picture and leave only footprints."


1 comment:

  1. A new milkweed?! I can't believe you two aren't experts on all varieties yet!

    Hope you are surviving the packing.


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