Remember that consumer culture slogan, "browse, shop, eat, repeat" - we prefer the "mountain, valley, explore, repeat" version!! Last weekend Steve, being a very lucky feller, got to attend a grass identification workshop with New Mexico State U. Professor, Kelly
Allred. This guy is a living legend in the world of grasses but more on that in a later post. For now, here's the "mountain, valley, explore, repeat" route from the trip:
South from Carlsbad, NM across the Delaware Basin...

...into Texas and around the Guadalupe Mountains...

...west across another basin and salt flats...

...up and over the Davis Mountains at El
Paso, TX...

...into the Rio
Grande Valley and heading back north...

...back into The Land of Enchantment (whew!) at Las
Cruces, NM and the Organ Mountains...

...up and over the Organ Mountains and heading E-NM across the
Tularosa Basin...

...with more salt flats...

...some of which are managed for migratory birds such as this

...into the foothills of the Sacramento Mountains where...'s hard to make a living...

...up and into mixed conifer forest in the

Ponderosa Pine...

...mix with and grade into forest of fir and aspen...

...where alpine grass meadows provide refuge for...


...and caterpillars... forest was intense as we crossed the mountain pass...

...and headed back into yet another weather system on the high plains east of the

What a topographical and
floristic roller coaster ride!!!
gorgeous photos. oh, how i miss the west.