A sturdy workbench need not cost much (if anything) what with the volume of throw-a-way wood around every corner. Here's a couple I've made in the past (followed by my most recent version).
So here's another version (necessitated by a move).
There's always lots of scrap wood in our neighborhood the day before trash pickup and recently I grabbed a pile of old barn wood, a 4x8 sheet of OSB and 3 landscape timbers:
For the new workbench, I built 2 end sections from a combination of whole and ripped landscape timbers:
I had to chisel some channels to receive the rails that would connect the 2 ends:
Jennifer connecting rails to ends:
Here's some fine joinery!:
This thing came together like most things I make - spontaneously - and it seems like it came together pretty well: Here's the basic bench base:
Here's the OSB cut to fit with a bit of overhang:
Screwing the OSB down (chalklines help line the screws up):
I used some salvaged 1/2's to stabilize the legs near the bottom of the base. Next will be to put a shelf on the bottom and then paint the whole works.....
Looks great! Way to have Jen help you out:)