Friday, August 9, 2013

Summertime Prettiness or All We Need to Smile are Flowers...

Our native flower gardens are blooming in a profusion of colors and bringing such joy to us and all the native pollinators!

It's not the best butterfly year here in our neck of the woods so we are happy to see any and all!

We highly recommend planting mountain mint if it's native to your area.  This plant brings in more pollinators than we've seen on any other plant.  It's absolutely fantastic to watch!

Cup plant is such a beautiful bloomer with many golden yellow flowers.

This is the year of the clearwing moths!  Look closely in the middle of this photo and you will see a hummingbird clearwing.  They LOVE the bergamot.

 Red-tails soar over all the gardens...

 See?  Happiness!!

Tree cricket are out along with all many of the other fall songsters.  Love it.

We so need lots of Royal Catchfly!

Yep, beautiful flowers and a full mouth thanks to yummy food equals a happy Jen. :)


  1. Awesome flower garden and the critters that love flowers! IM about to check out your soaps I've got lots of birthdays coming up!

  2. Hi J&S... Just gorgeous photo's of your garden flowers the kind bee's and butterflies love !!

    I don't think I have heard of Mountain mint I will have to look into that!! I do have bergamot, bee balm echinacea great plants !!

    All that equals a happy couple , as long as there is food : )))

  3. Oh, I miss summers in Ohio. What happened to the pearl crescent butterfly you had originally posted? I miss those, too, since they're not found in CA.

    1. You are quick! The picture quality wasn't so hot so we took that one off right quick...figuring no one would notice. :) Yes, summers in the midwest are spectacular. I love them. Winters...that a whole different matter.

  4. Jennifer and Steve, I had an amazing number of pollinators and butterflies visit my 6 leeks that I left to overwinter last fall and they came back and flowered. I once counted 17 polinators on a big blossom at one time! The viceroys seem to be particularly taken with them. Enjoyed your lovely flowers, thank you! ~Vonnie

  5. Beautiful! There's been a good number of butterflies at my place and at coffeetree


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