Saturday, March 28, 2009
Moving Time...
Thursday, March 26, 2009
A Year Ago Today...
and tied the knot. Yep, in hiking clothes! We were hiking afterward of course. :)
It was a funny little 4 minute ceremony where we nervously chomped our gum the whole time (we ate Indian food first - he he), but the sentiments were real and we are so glad we took that step forward. To celebrate the day we took the day off from packing and preparing to move and enjoyed a slow morning drinking coffee and hanging out, took a couple of walks in the sunshine, visited Borders to peruse magazines and drink more coffee and hit one antique store where we found a cup we liked a few years ago. We found two cool big plates (for $0.50 each!)...
All in all a pretty great day. :)
Wednesday, March 25, 2009
Ancient Sunlight, Our Driveway and a Bobcat
Anyway, we could also speak of ancient sunlight with respect to limestone - because it is comprised of the remains of sea creatures and has been deposited over the eons. So that brings us to our driveway.
Our driveway is hard as a brick most of the time but, when it rains a lot, it can be an embarrassment. So we decided to get ourselves a little ancient sunlight in the form of crushed limestone from a local quarry.
We were amazed that you can get some guy in a humongous dump truck to haul such a huge load of stone to your house for so little money!! Here's the load after part of it had already been spread:
We are lucky enough to have a neighbor who facilitated all this and also spread the stone with his Bobcat. This guy is an incredible Bobcat operator. He'd get a scoop of stone and then spread it like a steady rain:
...and admire our sassy new drive:
Only in America can you call a guy at 8AM and have a newly-stoned driveway a couple hours later !!!
Monday, March 23, 2009
Incredible Opportunity for Volunteering on Some Spectacular Indiana Nature Preserves
One of the very best organizations to get involved with in this way is The Nature Conservancy. You will connect with extremely knowledgeable conservation professionals, learn the importance of stewardship to the preservation of sensitive natural areas and get to see otherwise inaccessible nature preserves. The roots of many-a-career were first sunk into the fertile soil of volunteerism!
There are volunteer opportunities around the state of Indiana and the entire country, for that matter. Here are a couple examples for northeast Indiana (Steve's comments are in black font, the text from the original TNC announcement is in blue font):
Douglas Woods is a rare and fine example of upland hardwood forest/ephemeral wetlands complex. There are impressive stands of trees, whimsical ephemeral wetlands and steep bluffs overlooking Fish Creek. This place just feels like an old, old forest. Here's the details:
Douglas Woods Nature Preserve, DeKalb County
Garlic Mustard - Invasive Specie Removal
9:30 a.m to 3 p.m. (Eastern)
For all you spring wildflower nuts please join us for a fun day of invasive species removal and hiking at Douglas Woods Nature Preserve. Garlic mustard threatens the native plants and old growth forest of this beautiful preserve. We will be canvassing the preserve and hand-pulling the garlic mustard. As a special thank you we will spend some time in a relaxing wildflower hike. Come prepared to spend a day outdoors. Please wear long sleeves, long pants, and sturdy shoes. Make sure to bring gloves, lunch and plenty of water.
From I-69 exit 140 (Ashley/Hamilton exit) travel east on CR 800 S for 7 miles. Turn left (north) on SR 427 and travel 0.4 mile into Hamilton. Meet at the gas station in Hamilton located at the intersection of SR 427 and SR 1. We will leave the gas station at 9:30 am to caravan over to the preserve.
RSVPs are greatly appreciated, but not required. Please contact Beth Mizell by phone at 260-316-0868 or by email at
Saturday, April 25
Swamp Angel, Noble County
Garlic Mustard - Invasive Species Removal
9:30 a.m to 3 p.m. (Eastern)
Join us for a fun day of invasive species removal and exploration at Swamp Angel Nature Preserve. Garlic mustard threatens the native plants and oak forest restoration of this beautiful preserve. We will be hand-pulling the garlic mustard along steep slopes. As a special thank you we will get our feet a little wet and venture into the wetland fen for a relaxing hike. Come prepared to spend a day outdoors. Please wear long sleeves, long pants, and sturdy shoes. Make sure to bring gloves, lunch and plenty of water.
From I-69 exit 134 (Waterloo exit) travel west on US 6 for 17 miles. Meet at the Short Stop gas station located at the intersection of US 6 and SR 9 in Nobel County (5.5 miles west of Kendallville, IN). The gas station will be on the north side of the intersection. We will leave from the gas station at 9:30 am to caravan over to the preserve.
Swamp Angel is a sensitive preserve with limited access. Participation will be limited to 15 persons and RSVP is required. Please contact Beth Mizell by phone at 260-316-0868 or by email at
Sunday, March 22, 2009
Friday, March 20, 2009
Rain Garden Opportunity for Fort Wayne Homeowners
There are a series of free workshops (taught by a good friend of ours) starting the end of this month and running through April.
Click here for a pdf with all the information. What a great way to celebrate spring!!!
Click here for a Wikipedia link for general information on rain gardens and some pics.
Wednesday, March 18, 2009
How to drill a hole in a rock: A Tutorial
First things first - you will need a small drill such as a Dremel. I use a drill press that Steve's great uncle made. My drill is electric and works great for me though I know some folks prefer battery operated since you use water in the drilling process. Here's a couple of views of my setup:
-safety goggles (a must to protect your eyes should rock fragments fly!)
-durable dish with cool water (filled so it will just cover your rock; water is essential to keep your bit cool enough!)
-towel to dry your hands as needed
-straight edge such as a straightened-out paperclip
-sharpie for marking drilling location
-tools to tighten your bit if necessary (I need to use my Gerber pliers & channel locks to tighten my chuck (part that holds the bit) tight enough so the bit does not just spin on the rock)
Here is the procedure I use:
Step 1: Put on safety glasses!
Step 2: Setup drill for drilling. Insert drill bit and tighten chuck. Put water dish with rock under the bit on the press. (Mark rock with sharpie where you want to drill.) Lower the drill to ~1/8-1/4 inch above water. Turn drill speed to low and then drill in.
I turn the speed to about medium to get the hole started and then to medium-high to high depending on the type of rock. I don't really have any hard and fast rules about drill speed. I am sure someone does, but I just tell by the rock dust filtering through my water and how the bit feels on the rock. If you are not seeing any dust (indicating rock being eroded away) adjust your speed. If this does not help and you are using a used bit switch to a new one.
Continue drilling till you are about halfway through the rock.
And a photo of the back of the rock getting close to through...
I hope this tutorial is clear and helpful. It takes time, care and effort to tweak out your equipment and technique. As with any process that uses power tools and hand tools, safety come first - if you don't feel comfortable that you can safely attempt this process, seek help from someone who is more experienced.
Monday, March 16, 2009
Food Not Lawns & Some Cat Photos
We are brainstorming different ideas for Carlsbad since we will live in a very small apartment and are considering such techniques as container gardening (as much as possible in dry heat), indigenous seeds, window herb & greens trays, sprouts, visiting the local farmer's market regularly, and drying, freezing and canning whatever surplus we can glean from local farmers. We feel it is so important to take control of our own food supply for ethical, environmental and health reasons. What are you all doing? We would love to feature different folks taking on some of your own food production - however it may be. Let us know if you are interested.
Our cats are gearing up for the big move too! (EEK! - 24 more hours in a cat box in a car...) Here's Bounder admonishing me for disturbing her wildlife watching session.
Saturday, March 14, 2009
The Wonders of Free Internet Media
Hulu is a great place to start for free internet TV and movies. There's tons of resources for free internet radio as well. One of our favorites is Radio Screamer. Sorry Mac folks, this one is Windows-only as far as I can tell.
Once you've downloaded and installed the free program (if you are comfortable with that sort of thing), you'll have this quick and easy interface to connect to hundreds of internet radio channels:

It includes information about the current artist and song, a direct link to the channels' website, a number of menu options, playback stuff and even a Record button (better check with your legal counsel before using that one!).
Here's an example of how to find stations by genre - soooo many options:

We listen to Folk Alley and Roots Radio a lot during the morning and afternoon and then often switch to 1.FM Blues at night. Almost no commercials and very seldom are there repeat songs! A winner, we think.
Thursday, March 12, 2009
Dye Plant Book
Another example...
I took this up to the fiber mill where I volunteer and Jamie, one of the owners, purchased a copy off of Amazon. I think there are a three more listed if you are interested. I found one too - on ebay! With shipping mine totaled about $4.oo (not sure about the condition of mine), Jamie's $14.00 (great condition).