On a recent hike at Guadalupe Mountains National Park we hiked up Bear Canyon to Hunter Peak and back down the
Tejas Trail - about 9 miles. Bear Canyon is STEEP, boulder-strewn, whimsical and provides great views down into the Permian Basin:

Jennifer in the shady Bear Canyon:

Ascending into
Ponderosa Pine country:

Ranchers used to drive cattle all the way up here because of the lush high meadow grasses:

Now the grasses are left alone to coexist with great wildflowers such as Desert Trumpet:

...Princely Aster...

...and Wheeler's Wallflower:

Looking North towards "our" park (Carlsbad Caverns):

Once atop Hunter Peak (8,368 Ft.), we had time to rest and be grateful that such places are protected and that we are healthy enough to enjoy them:

and that we can enjoy them in great company!

...including unknown crazy alpine wildflowers:

Rested, we headed back down:

So many cool things to see, such as nice little thickets of oaks...

...where Scotch Bluebell and...

...Indian Pink thrived:

Down the
Tejas trail:

Southwest Paintbrush: one of our favorites:

Nearing the end of our hike we could look back up into some pretty nice scenery...

...while also enjoying the wildflowers at lower elevations such as Crowded
Rayweed (or

And the vibrant woolly marigold:

What a day!! What a park!!!
once again, i am jealous. great photos!