Sure you could store socks or underwear in your old wine boxes but would that really impress your wine & cheese friends? No! Instead, you could be crafty, green and visionary in under 2 hours by turning your wine box...

...into a sassy and colorful
up-cycled shelf:

That's just what I did. Step 1: cut box in half:

Step 2: size-up the situation:

Step 3: Fill in the back with some scrap:

Step 4: stack and screw them together:

Step 5:use the top to...

...create shelves:

Step 6, continued:

Step 7: sand a bit:

Step 8: Now it's ready for stain or...


Step 9: sit back, drink wine, admire your creative, up-cycled vision:
You two are perhaps the craftiest people I know! You never cease to amaze me with your ideas. Keep up the good work! I hope we get to design and build something together some time---that could be awesome!