First - Happy Earth Day all! Go hug a tree or plant a tree or take a reuseable bag to the store or walk/bike to your errands instead of drive or give a little money to a local conservation non-profit. Let us know if you do anything to celebrate!
This past weekend we spent some time planting a few native plants we purchased from the Carlsbad Horticultural Society. All the plants are perennials and offer nice blooms for arthropods and hummingbirds - if there are any in the neighborhood. We will see who shows up at our place!
The plants: Lavender Spice (Poliomintha maderensis), Pink Gaura (Gaura lindheimeri), Texas Rose Penstemon (Penstemon wrightii), Paper Flower (Psilostrophe cooperii) & Purple Verbena (Verbena gooddingii)
A close up of the purple verbena:
Prickly pear cacti:
Note: The remaining McKittrick Canyon photos will be shared over the next day or two.
You're going to have a beautiful little side yard:)