"Got zucchini?" The answer to this question is invariably , "yes" for anyone who has planted even one zucchini plant. Zucchini is a super-producer. So that's why we are always on the lookout for new ways to integrate zucchini into our eating. Jennifer found a recipe for Zucchini Crisp in a magazine and then Steve altered it somewhat and here is the morphed version:
Zucchini Crisp:
5 Cups peeled/seeded/sliced zucchini
1/3 Cup sugar
1.5 tsp. cinnamon
1/4 Cup lemon juice
3/4 Cup water
6 T. butter
1/2 Cup flower
1/4 Cup flaxmeal
1/4 Cup wheat bran
1/2 Cup brown sugar
1 tsp. baking powder
1/2 tsp. salt
Here's what Steve did:
Prep. zucchini:

Combine 1/3 cup sugar, cinnamon, lemon juice, and water:

Whisk all that up:

Pour over the zucchini and heat to simmer:

While I waited for the zucchini to heat up, I combined the topping ingredients...

...stirring the dry stuff...

...then cutting-in the butter:

The topping should look like this:

In the mean time, I'd been stirring the zucchini filling...

...until it cooked down like this (zucchini should be just soft, but not mushy):

Now that I had all my stuff ready...

...I poured my zucchini filling into an ungreased 9 in. X 9 in. pan...

...then poured the topping over that:

I spread the topping out evenly:

...and put it into the oven for 45 minutes:

Here it is, finished:

Here's my test-piece:

The verdict? Well, if I had a tree-full of apples to use, I'd probably make apple crisp before I'd make zucchini crisp. I'll see what Jennifer thinks when she gets home from work and we'll report our combined conclusion tomorrow! Of course, this recipe would work fine for other fillings. I'm thinking that substituting a sweeter squash (butternut, sweet dumpling) or just about any fruit would be fine too. The general recipe is a good one for crisp.