Once we have celebrated
Indoors Thanksgiving, we like to take to the great outdoors! This year we chose to visit one of our favorite places ever -
Bosque del Apache National Wildlife Refuge. Most destinations in New Mexico involve mountains or at least traversing mountains and so we first needed to drive through the
Capitan Mountains in order to get to the Rio
Grande on the other side. Here's the Rio
Hondo River valley which takes us between the Sacramento Mountains to the south and the
Capitan Mountains to the north (pictured in background). The
Capitan Mountains are the only E-W trending mountain range in New Mexico:

It's a pretty valley complete with nice little towns such as Lincoln - originally named
Las Placitas del Rio Bonito ("the village by the pretty river).

Lincoln in now a
state monument and has...

...many historic (and cute) buildings...

Down the other side of the
Capitans, across the
Tularosa Basin and another 80 miles of supreme
shorgrass prairie and
pinyon-juniper woodland and we finally reach our destination on the edge of the Rio
Grande. Here's Jennifer getting ready for birding at the
Chupadera Mountains in the background:

Jennifer checking out ducks from "the flight deck":

Steve brushing up on the birds:

Next morning we awoke (tent camping) to temps in the low 30's but we were excited to make it back to the refuge early to take in the wonderful sunrise...

...and birds! Incoming snow geese:

Outgoing snow geese:

Bosque fun...a mule deer...
Sandhill Cranes,
Ross's Geese, Snow Geese..

Gambel's quail...

...old farm road...

...some sort of flycatcher...

...northern shoveler...

...Little San
Pasqual Mountains...


We are very thankful for
Bosque del Apache!
What a great trip!