Saturday, December 6, 2008

Holiday Sale a Success!

The holiday sale today felt very wintry with all the snow falling, blowing and drifting. Even with the inclement road conditions, we did well (yay!) and enjoyed the company of interesting people, ate lots of tasty treats, drank copious amounts of hot coffee and ended the event with a hike around the host's property. (Thanks again Barry & Julie!) We fully intended to take a photo of our table with our items (soap, leaf carvings and wood stools), but completely forgot so here is a photo showcasing a winter scene for this wintry day. Hope everyone is warm and well.


  1. Congrats! I'm so glad it was a success. And, it may be cold out, but it's beautiful!

  2. I'm so sad that I didn't make it. I really wanted to try out some of your soap. Hopefully another time.


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